Friday, January 18, 2008

Economic Boycotts - ODM Professionals


There are hundreds of thousands of Kenyan professionals who are hardcore supporters of the ODM Movement. You want to be part of the struggle but you don't know how to do that. It is obvious that time has come for political changes in Kenya. For a long time we have been silent and content with the situation, but we cannot be silent anymore, we need to actively participate in the struggle to liberate this country. The ODM Movement just announced their intention to switch from mass action to Economic Boycotts. Economic boycotts are targeted to the middle class and professionals in support of the ODM movement.

Will you be participating in the ODM Economic boycotts?


Anonymous said...

I work in Nairobi and I think I will support the boycotts.

I am not the type to go to the streets but I still want to participate in the ODM cause. I strongly believe the election was stolen and the worst thing is my PNU workmates/friends have become so arrogant on this issue.

They don't want to see both sides, they 'want life to go on' - while I respect their opinion, their arrogance and lack of understanding of the real issues annoys me.

These issues have been cooking since 2003 and I strongly feel we have a chance now to finally balance the ownership of power in this country. If ODM reaches out to me (like they have done with the Economic Boycotts) - I will show my support by avoiding Equity Bank and Brookside. I know a couple friends who would do the same.

It is annoying to be bullied by the PNU folks.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Bosire. Finally these ODM guys are now reaching out to the middle class.

I will obviously boycott any of the establishments mentioned. ODM should do more to get the support of the middle class. We are here frustrated and angry and would like to support by all means.

The lower class has done enough and they are losing lives, the middle class needs to come in strong and push this struggle further. It won't be easy but we will prevail.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a failed cause. Ladies and gentilemen, lets all wait for 2012 when things will be new. BOycotting is nonsense because there are many kenyans many more than those who voted for RAO, who will not boycott, just like the poor hav been furstated, we shallbe furstated too.
I live in the USA and will not support the boycourt.

tengeza said...

The schadenfreude being expressed by ODM is just amazing! Vote ODM and loose your job/livelihood after elections!

Anonymous said...

If you think Democracy is expensive try dictatorship!

I support the boycott. Brookside is my client but liberty calls for sacrifices for the long term good!

Anonymous said...

"Whose Kenya is it?" shouted Tom Mboya. "Ours!" shrieked 20,000. Now the crowd's chant was in throbbing rhythm. "Are you tired of asking for freedom?" asked Tom Mboya. "Never!" came the resounding answer. (1960)

This statement remains as relevant today as it was then, we shall never tire of asking for freedom. Give me liberty, not a life of serfdom.

I will be PATRIOTICALLY boycotting said services and businesses. Nobody has a right to make money from me then use it to block my freedoms!!! That is immoral. Soldier on, we are with you on this one.